United Methodist Student Day

United Methodist Student Day is one of six Special Sundays when we receive an offering for a particular ministry through the denomination. On the last Sunday in November, your gifts through this offering benefit students as they pursue opportunities in higher education. Your contribution will be joined with those of millions of other United Methodists to provide scholarships to deserving recipients. This offering has raised more than $400,000 and helps more than 300 students a year.

Stephen Ministry


One of the many ministries that makes this church a wonderful service to our community is our Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is

Stephen Ministry


One of the many ministries that makes this church a wonderful service to our community is our Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is

Stephen Ministry


One of the many ministries that makes this church a wonderful service to our community is our Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is

Stephen Ministry


One of the many ministries that makes this church a wonderful service to our community is our Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is

Forest Manor Worship Service

Sunday's at 2pm, our worship services at the Forest Manor HealthCare Center will resume for the first time since 2019. Please pray

Forest Manor Worship Service

Sunday's at 2pm, our worship services at the Forest Manor HealthCare Center will resume for the first time since 2019. Please pray

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