How Can We Pray for You?

It’s important to know that you are not alone in your faith journey. Our congregation is here to support you with our presence and our prayers. If you are in need of prayer, you can share your prayer with us, and we will lift your during our Sunday worship service at 10 a.m.

You can also share your prayers by filling out the form below.

Prayer Is Power

God longs to be known, to be in relationship with each of us. Prayer is an important means through which God is revealed to us and engages us in an intimate, growing relationship. Prayer is the practice by which we share our life with God, and God shares life with us. Wherever you are, approach prayer as a conversation with God. Just like other relationships in life, your prayer relationship with God will grow and mature when you invest your time into it.

Like many of our faith practices, prayer is both individual and communal. Individually, we encourage you to intentionally set time aside in your day to be present with God to offer up your joys and concerns, and to listen for God’s still small voice. This can be done in silent meditation, following a prayer journal, or following a method of prayer such as the Five Finger Prayer or ACTS method.

Communally, many find it helpful to have a prayer partner – someone you can share your joys and concerns with, and who will lift them up throughout the week. You may also share your concerns with our faith community through our prayer list, or during our Sunday worship, knowing that our church members will join together in praying for you.

There are many online resources available to guide you in your prayers:

In addition, there are many print resources available from Cokesbury.