A senior citizen visited the Community Computer Lab at Saint Mark LA UMC in need of photocopies. When she arrived at the building, she requested that someone come out to her car to get the document and make five copies for her. Afterward, she suggested that the Lab offer a curbside copying service. The Community Computer Lab listened to the suggestion of the community member and met the need. This example of restoring community is the foundation for how your gifts on Human Relations Day empower people. With support from a Human Relations Day offering grant, Saint Mark helped this senior and other community members experience the church in mission.

Human Relations Day encourages us to recognize all of God’s children as human beings and foster relationships with one another. Your support of this special offering benefits neighborhood ministries through Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs. You can support these efforts by clicking below to make an online donation, or giving an offering at the church marked “Human Relations Sunday”.

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