from the First UMC of Blairstown

for the week of September 13, 2024

This week’s messages: “Holding onto Wisdom

This Sunday, the scripture advises us to hold on to wisdom, but what is,

or who is wisdom, exactly?

Join us this Sunday as Pastor Pedro preaches on “Holding onto Wisdom”

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Pastor’s Office Hours

Monday: Pastor’s Sabbath
Tuesday-Saturday: 9AM-4PM by appointment

Prayer Chain

If you have a urgent prayer request that you would like to share, please contact the church office at 908-362-6693, #2 for Pastor Pedro or by email.  We will send an email blast to get the word out for prayers asap.

Weekly Communion

We will be celebrating communion during the service every week.  If you are joining us online, please have bread/crackers and juice/water

during this time.

Forest Manor Service

Our monthly Forest Manor service will be held on Sunday, September 15 at 2p.  If you would like to join Pastor Pedro and engage with the residents,

please reach out to him.

United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm in the meeting room.  There will be a time of sharing and scripture.  If you would like to learn more, please reach out to Mike Tironi.

Food Pantry Wish List

The food pantry has been very busy providing over 70 families with food and paper products this month.  With feeding as many folks as we can, we are in need of some items.  You can leave items in the shopping cart in the fellowship hall or in the cabinet outside the kitchen door.  Thank you for your support of this much needed ministry.

  • Canned Mushrooms
  • Manwich
  • Hamburger helper
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ketchup
  • Pickles
  • Cream Soups
  • Tea Bags (regular & flavored)
  • Knorr Seasoned Rice
  • Knorr Seasoned Pasta
  • Cake Frosting
  • Beef & Vegetable Broth
  • Canned Apricots
  • Canned Peaches
  • Tissues
  • Body Wash
  • Conditioner

New Bishop Welcome

A service will be held on Saturday, September 14 to welcome our new

Bishop, Cynthia Moore-Koikoi.  The service will be held at Calvary UMC,

572 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick at 10:30am.

Fall Craft and Vendor Fair Cancelled

The fall craft fair has been postponed until 2025.

Looking for Volunteers

Do you like to bake bread?  Do you want to volunteer for a Sunday Service?

We have a spot for you.  We are looking for volunteers to prepare and clean up for communion.  This would take place weekly.

We are also looking for readers and prayer leaders for the Sunday service and greeters to welcome members and guests before service.

Would you like to host fellowship time?  There is a sign up sheet on the fellowship bulletin board to pick the date that works for you.

Please reach out to Pastor Pedro to inquire.

Sunday School

Sunday School will take place every week at 9:00am in the fellowship hall.

We have established the First UMC’s new Safe Sanctuaries Policy, an abuse-prevention policy. We have volunteers who have done the training and background checks.  If you would like to have your children participate or you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Pastor Pedro.

You can more about Safe Sanctuaries policies in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church here

Enrich Your Faith!

Our adult enrichment program exploring the life of Jesus the Christ through the video series “The Chosen” by Dallas Jenkins will take a break for the summer and resume in the fall.  Designed to enrich your personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Scripture, each session will be packed with meaningful guided discussions to help you deepen your understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus. All of the episodes can be watched for free online at For more information, contact Tim Gill at Let’s dive deeper into our faith and discover Jesus in a whole new way!

Bible Study, every Thurs. 1pm and 7pm

For the 1pm online-only session click here.

For the 7pm hybrid (in-person & online) session here.

To catch up later watch the class anytime on our Facebook page

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This Week at Blairstown UMC

  • Al-Anon Fri 7:30p
  • Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi Welcome 9/14 10:30a
  • Worship Team Rehearsal Sun 8:30a
  • Sunday School 9a
  • Sunday Worship Service Sun 10:00a
  • Forest Manor Service 9/15 2p
  • Gentle Yoga 9/16 5:30p
  • Boy Scouts 9/16 7p
  • Chair Yoga 9/17 1p
  • UMM mtg 9/17 7p
  • MOM’s Group 9/18 9a-1p
  • Bible Study 9/19 1 & 7p

Looking Ahead

  • Gentle Yoga 9/23 5:30p
  • Boy Scouts 9/23 7p
  • Chair Yoga 9/24 1p
  • Missions & Ministry mtg 9/24 7p
  • Bible Study 9/26 1 & 7p
  • Fall Craft & Vendor Fair 9/28 cancelled
  • Gentle Yoga 9/30 5:30p
  • Boy Scouts 9/30 7p

To learn more about our events or add something to our calendar, please contact the church office at 908-362-6693 or