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Each of us is created a precious and holy vessel of embodied love. We have been through a harrowing time since last Lent that has shattered our sense of wholeness–body, mind, and spirit–like a glass vessel fractured into pieces. This Lent, we will observe a “season of recovery” for our physical, communal, mental, intellectual, and environmental health, by exploring the healing narratives of Jesus that tell of divine solidarity with human suffering and remind us that we can begin a journey toward making something beautiful from that which is seemingly broken. Beach glass offers us a multifaceted symbol of this transformative process.

We will begin the season with an Ash Wednesday service on February 17 at 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday is a time of naming brokenness. As we enter the season of Lent, we commit to enter also into a season of healing and recovery that requires the naming of what has been shattered as a first step. We take “the yoke” of responsibility as disciples of Jesus to be the Body of Christ–a body of those who need healing and offer healing in the world. The promise of Jesus is that he is with us in our weariness and burdens.

Please note that due to the ongoing pandemic ashes will not be imposed as part of this service. Instead, we will look at the ways that the elements of creation mold and shape us from dust to dust. The service will be available online as well as in person.

Please take a look at our COVID-19 Guidelines before attending the service:

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