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There’s a lot going on in our world today – a lot to talk about! And worse yet, there aren’t many opportunities to talk about it. How are you making sense of all that’s happening? Where are you sensing the movement of the Spirit in the midst of everything? What are you learning from others who see the world differently?

With all of this in mind, Pastor Dave is inviting you to join him for a series of virtual coffee talks every other Thursday morning at 10 a.m. Like the fictional Liz Rosenberg made famous by Mike Myers, we’ll start with a timely topic and create an open and safe space to ask questions and talk with others, some of whom will disagree and agree with you.

The goal of the conversations is not to convince others to see the world as you do, but to provide a place of sharing stories and listening to the stories of others. Whether we agree or disagree with someone will take a backseat to learning from each other’s experiences and discerning the movement of God. In the process, our hope is to grow closer as a community and gain clarity in the ways that God is working and through our lives.

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