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Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am! Online or In-Person. We asked that if you are attending in-person, to please wear a mask in our facility.

Experienced or witnessed any miracles lately? For some, the miraculous happens when their favorite teams win a game they didn’t expect to win; for others, it might be the healing of a loved one who wasn’t expected to come home; still others experience a miracle when their teenage son or daughter wakes up early enough to make the bus! Regardless of how we define a miracle, most of us at one time or another have declared something to be a miracle.

Our scriptures are filled with miraculous stories – stories that supersede the laws of nature and science and go beyond our concept of what is possible. How do you receive these stories and what role do they play in your faith?

This Sunday, we will consider some of the miraculous stories of the gospels and consider how we might move beyond the debate between belief and disbelief and into the possibilities that exist for all of us. We hope that you will commit to joining us at 10 a.m. in person or online as we gather for worship and explore the Significant and Wonderful world of miracles.

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