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Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am! Online or In-Person.

Have you ever tried to learn about an abstract topic or tried to wrap your head around a concept that was difficult to define? You know, topics like: what is “the cloud”? Where does my email go? Or even better, how do you prove the existence of God?

As hard as it is to learn about these topics, it can be even harder to teach them to others, which is exactly the task that Jesus had before him as he lived among the people of Galilee. Jesus’ primary topic was the kingdom of God or heaven, and to teach others, he used a myriad of techniques.

How well do you understand the kingdom of God, and why was it so important for Jesus to spend his whole life teaching about it? Join us for worship this Sunday at 10 a.m. online or in person as we explore the many ways that Jesus the Teacher seeks to help us understand this core concept of our faith.

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