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Worship starts at 10 am.

Are you old enough to remember the famous movie critics: Siskel and Eibert – if you wanted to know their take on a film, all you had to do was look for “ TWO THUMBS UP!”

This week, James goes against our cultural grain by giving only “one thumb up” to going faster, while giving “two thumbs up’ to going slower!

In our fast paced world, where we want everything yesterday, and speed means better, let’s see where James is going with this!!!

Set some time aside to join us for worship this week as we come before the Lord with praise in our hearts and hear from the author of James about the importance of slowing down, and avoiding anger. You can join us live in our sanctuary or online on Sunday at 10 a.m., or stream our worship service at the time that works best for you.

Worship on Facebook Live
Worship on Youtube

This week it is our joy to welcome Rev. Randy Parks to our church as our guest preacher. Randy is the chaplain manager at Newton Medical Center and has been caring for patients there for 17 years. He and his wife Lori, and two children live in Sparta with his menagerie that includes a dog, two cats, a rabbit, and a lizard. Please be sure to extend a warm Blairstown UMC welcome!

In-Person and Online Worship is available. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask if you are attending in-person, to please wear a mask and follow CDC guidelines. If you do not feel well, and have symptoms related to COVID-19 or were possibly exposed, we ask that you attend church through our multiple online worship platforms.

In-Person: 10 Stillwater Road, Blairstown, NJ


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