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Worship starts at 10 am.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year for so many reasons: the taste of the wonderful food, the sights of twinkling lights in our homes and communities, the sounds of laughter and music, and the celebrations of family and faith. It’s also a wonderful time of year because of the spirit of generosity that pervades across cultures and faiths.

In the story of Jesus’ birth, outsiders came to pay homage to the newborn child king. These wise men, or magi, came bringing gifts to celebrate and acknowledge the wondrous gift that God had given the world – a gift that would serve all of humanity and encourage us to serve one another. It is in this spirit of giving and service to one another that we continue the tradition of gift-giving to this day.

As you celebrate the gift of God incarnate and the gift of God’s light, we invite you to join us for worship this Sunday in person or online at 10:00 a.m. as Mike Tironi leads us in exploring the story of those first visitors who came Sharing Gifts, and the important ways God invites us to share gifts with one another today.

In-Person and Online Worship is available. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask if you are attending in-person, to please wear a mask and follow CDC guidelines. If you do not feel well, and have symptoms related to COVID-19 or were possibly exposed, we ask that you attend church through our multiple online worship platforms.

In-Person: 10 Stillwater Road, Blairstown, NJ


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