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This Sunday, we’re beginning a new sermon series that will guide us through the Book of Ephesians. Ephesians has been called “the Queen of the Epistles”. Why so much enthusiasm for a letter? Perhaps the simplest response is that the letter contains everything you need to explain the faith in one compact package. It’s about gearing up, about making sure that our faith is not just an internal thing, not just a head thing. It is about living out the faith.

We start by throwing a party. To celebrate what, you ask? The God who has blessed us in every way – that’s what we’re celebrating; that’s what we are testifying to. But these aren’t exclusive blessings. Rather, we are reminded that we are blessed to be a blessing.

How are we reaching out to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the community around us? Whose life has been affected by the church in tangible ways?

Join us as Mike Tironi leads us in worship online and in person this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as we come before the Lord with praise in our hearts ready to Set our Hope on Jesus the Christ.

In-Person and Online Worship is available. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask if you are attending in-person, to please wear a mask and follow CDC guidelines. If you do not feel well, and have symptoms related to COVID-19 or were possibly exposed, we ask that you attend church through our multiple online worship platforms.

In-Person: 10 Stillwater Road, Blairstown, NJ


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