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Tell me if this has ever happened to you: your in the middle of your day, moving right along with your projects at work or at home, when all of a sudden the power or the internet go out. Suddenly all of the momentum you had, whether your project was binge watching your favorite TV series or trying to power through your to do list, is lost and things come to a screeching halt!

Those of you who are still sensible enough to live in the analog world are probably laughing at me right now, but all of you digital world people know just want I’m talking about. We can feel so great about all that we can do in this world until the source of our productivity goes away. It is then that we are humbled and acknowledge just how dependent we are on sources of power that are external to ourselves.

This Sunday, as we celebrate the Fourth of July, we’ll have an opportunity to get real about the Source of our power and strength, both as individuals and as a country. As we do, we’ll come to find, like Paul, that our strength comes when we let the power of Christ flow in and through our lives.

Join us as our community of faith gathers for worship online and in person this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as we come before the Lord with praise in our hearts ready to Know the Source of our Power.

In-Person and Online Worship is available. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask if you are attending in-person, to please wear a mask and follow CDC guidelines. If you do not feel well, and have symptoms related to COVID-19 or were possibly exposed, we ask that you attend church through our multiple online worship platforms.

In-Person: 10 Stillwater Road, Blairstown, NJ


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