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Worship starts at 10 am.

Has this ever happened to you? You’re running late for something: a meeting, a date, a deadline…, or maybe you’re trying to master your to do list, and you just figured out how you can make it all happen before the end of the day, and then the phone rings, or a friend stops by, or a colleague knocks on your cubicle asking, “Got a minute?”

<Sigh> Moment of truth: do you tell the person that you don’t have the time because you have to stick to your schedule, or do you make the time to care for the person in front of you? As a to do list master, I find myself in these situations more often than I’d like. A member of my family needs something, someone from the church needs my advice or assistance, or someone in need calls desperate for help. What’s the faithful response?

God has blessed us with so many gifts of grace. Often we summarize them in terms of our time, our talent, our gifts, our service, and our witness or story. As a faithful disciple of Jesus’, our call is not only to identify the gifts God has entrusted us with, but also to discern how and when God is calling on us to share them with others.

Who is interrupting you with their needs and their cries for help? Who has been left on the margins because of things beyond their control and is reaching out for a way into the community? How do you make space? How do you stop your busy, headlong rush to accomplish your tasks, as important as they may be, and find time to be touched by another’s need?

Join us as our community of faith gathers for worship online and in person this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as we pause long enough to listen to Jesus as he responds to people wondering, “Can You Spare Some Grace?”

In-Person and Online Worship is available. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask if you are attending in-person, to please wear a mask and follow CDC guidelines. If you do not feel well, and have symptoms related to COVID-19 or were possibly exposed, we ask that you attend church through our multiple online worship platforms.

In-Person: 10 Stillwater Road, Blairstown, NJ


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