What’s the difference between an author and a publisher? A teacher, and a student? When the people at the Texas Children’s Hospital wanted to attract doctors and patients to their facility, they created an ad that spoke volumes about why people should choose them: they wrote the book. An author of a non-fiction book is someone who knows their subject matter so well that they are able to write the manual on how to do it: doctors who have explored new life saving techniques, scientists who discovered new theories or new compounds, mechanics who invented machines or new ways of keeping machines in top performance, actors who have perfected their art… You get the gist. The authors are the authorities or subject matter experts who literally wrote the book on how to do something. The publisher is the one who prints the book. The student is the one who studies the book. When I was in seminary, I was often blessed to be in class with the professors who wrote the books on theology, Biblical interpretation, Christian mission, and so on. When I chose my classes, I sought out the people who wrote the book rather than the students who merely studied the book because I knew they would know their subjects the best. Likewise, when you seek out a doctor or a mechanic, when you find the person who wrote the book, you know you are in good hands. This Sunday, as we continue our journey of discovery during Epiphany, we will come to learn from the One who speaks with authority, because he literally wrote the book. As we do, we’ll come to explore yet another way that we can tell that the kingdom of God is near: the demons are running. Join us for live worship Sunday at 10 a.m. as we continue our journey of Epiphanies and discover the difference it makes When the Author Reads the Book. |

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