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There is something about walking along the coast that facinates people. It is a unique boundary where two worlds collide: the world of animals that live on dry land and the world of iife that lives in the sea. Perhaps that’s why people are so intrigued by all of the shells and other items that can be found along the shore. It’s a glimpse into a world that is foreign and inaccessible to many of us.

I too am guilty of having my head in the sand so to speak while walking along the beach, keeping my eyes pealed on the objects that are down by my feet looking for one that just might catch my eye and gathering it up as soon as it does – items that the sea has discarded, but that have become a treasure in the eyes of the beachcomber.

We often describe God as a divine Shepherd that leaves the 99 sheep who are safe to search for the one that is lost. This week, we will give that image a different spin and explore the image of God as our Holy Beachcomber, strolling along the shoreline and gathering us up as his treasures to be brought home for safe keeping.

As we do, I invite you to think about your role in God’s work of salvation. As God has gathered you in and healed you, how are you being sent out to gather others and offer them the healing and wholeness that only Jesus can give them?

Join us for worship online or in person this Sunday at 10 a.m., or stream it online when it’s convenient, as we journey along the shore with Jesus to gather treasures for Safe Keeping.

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