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Americans have discovered new pastimes in recent months: searching for the elusive COVID vaccine and waiting in long lines to get them (hopefully). Ever since the first vaccines were approved and made available in our country in December, people have been clamoring to try and be the next person in line to get their shot.

Unfortunately, most have been frustrated in their attempts. Appointments fill up as quickly as they become available. Friends are telling friends the minute they hear of vaccines becoming available, and yet when they try to get them, they find out that the good lead they followed dried up. And yet we know that people are still receiving vaccines and more are being produced, and so continue to wait for it to be our turn.

This weekend, as we come towards the end of the season of Epiphanies, we will hear the story of Jesus coming to Peter’s home, where he encounters his ailing mother in law. We’re told that Jesus lifted her up, curing her of her illness and in response, crowd began to gather at Peter’s doorstep so that Jesus could heal them too.

So where are the throngs of people that hunted and searched for Jesus like they did so long ago? Are you still waiting on the Lord to lift you up on wings like eagles? Why or why not? Join us for worship live this Sunday at 10 a.m. as we continue our journey of Epiphanies and reaffirm why it is that we are still Waiting on the Lord.

If you want to attend with us online. You can attend through ZOOM, Facebook, or Youtube!

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