What is your favorite story in the Bible? In all my years of being a Christian, there has been one parable of Jesus’ that has captured my attention and imagination more than all of the others, and that is the Prodigal Son. Why, you ask? Because I can see myself in the story in so many ways, and it challenges me again and again to be a person of grace.

Over the past year, we have been journeying together through Rev. Brian McClaren’s book, “We Make the Road by Walking.” As we’ve been learning about our faith, we’ve been living it each and every day, coming alive in creation and the story of Jesus, and joining Jesus in the global uprising of grace and the movement of the Spirit.

This Sunday at 10:00a, as we come this stage of our journey, we will hear again this parable that in so many ways encapsulates our relationship with God and with one another. As we do, we will come to understand that our lives are always about God in the End: a God who is ready and eager to embrace us in his arms and welcome us home. I hope you’ll join me!

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