What does trust look like? As I often do when I prepare to send these updates, I searched the internet for images related to the word trust to see what came up. One image showed two people on a trapeze with one preparing to let go and the other preparing to catch the person. Another image depicted a trust fall, where one person intentionally let’s themself fall down, trusting that the other person won’t let them fall. And then there’s the image above of a woman being thrown into the air, trusting that the people who sent her up will catch her on the way down.
As I think of these three images, there are two things that they all have in common. First, each depicts a situation where one person is placing their well being in the hands of one or more other people, trusting that they will do everything possible to not let them be harmed. Second, none of the people would be able to do what they did without the support of someone they trusted.
These two things are as true in life as they are in our faith. Trust is foundational to our journey with Jesus. Without it, we will miss out on a great deal of what God wants to share with us.
This Sunday, we will take our Journey with Jesus out of the abstract and into reality by asking a simple question, “Do you trust him?” Join us for worship this Sunday at 10 a.m. online or in person as we take our faith and Make It Real.