I have great news to share: God wants you to love your neighbor! No, not the one that you already love to hang out with, the one that you find it challenging to live with. You know, the one that plays loud music late at night; the one that cooks with spices that leave a lasting odor; the one that always has “those” people hanging around; the one that lives a life that you simply find it challenging to understand. That neighbor.
Who is that neighbor for you? It could be someone living in your house, someone living literally next door, someone you work with, someone that lives in your neighborhood, or the person who sits in the pew behind you at church. What is it like to hold that person in your mind and hear Jesus’ command to love them?
In a world full of people who live by the beat of a different drummer, loving our neighbors can sometimes be challenging. And yet, Jesus tells us that the second greatest commandment is to love them. Why might this be so important? And how can our love for God lead us in loving our neighbors?
Join us for worship this Sunday at 10 a.m. (or whenever you are able to stream us online), as we continue our journey of coming alive in the Spirit of God by examining how the Holy Spirit leads us in loving our neighbors. I hope you’ll join us for worship at 10:00 a.m. online or in person.