How many of you keep watch for signs and signals around you? From the battery indicator on our phones to the check engine lights on our dashboards; from the smoke alarms in our houses to the construction signs along the roads, we are surrounded by signs and signals that are trying to get our attention, telling us what is happening, and inviting us to respond accordingly.

The prophets in the Bible are much like these signs and signals. They are faithful people who are trying their level best to get our attention, alert us to what is happening in the world around us and where we are heading, and inviting us, with their best persuasion, to respond in a way that will honor God and promote vitality in our community. The question is are we paying attention and heeding their message, or are we like that person who has been driving around with their check engine on for the past 1,000 miles who wonders why on earth their car broke down on the side of the road?

This Sunday, we invite you to join us for worship on this second Sunday in Advent as we continue to explore the promises that God is brining into our world and ponder the message of the baptizer inviting us to prepare the way!

Can’t make it to church this week? Click below to join any of our worship or prayer services online.