For the week of October 11, 2024
This week’s message will be brought by Pastor Pedro Pillot:
“Needles and Camels”
As we walk with Jesus this Sunday, we are reminded of his famous words: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:25, New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition).
Let us also remember the good news he proclaimed about our salvation in the next breath: “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27b, NRSVue)
Join us this Sunday as Pastor Pedro Pillot preaches on “Needles and Camels”
Monday: Pastor’s Sabbath
Tuesday-Saturday: 9AM-4PM by appointment
Prayer Chain
If you have an urgent prayer request that you would like to share, please contact the church office at 908-362-6693, #2 for Pastor Pedro or by email.
We will send an email blast to get the word out for prayers asap.
Fellowship Hour Hosts Needed
Hosts are asked to provide a snack and cold beverage and to clean up afterward. Coffee and paper products are provided.
There is a sign up sheet on the fellowship hall bulletin board.
2024 Church Conference:
October 12, 11AM
Our annual church conference is scheduled for Saturday, October 12 at 11:00am. Any professing member of the church can participate in the conference with voice and vote. This year, it will take place via ZOOM. You can join us at the church or join online via a link that will be shared later.
The monthly meeting of the United Women in Faith will take place on Sunday after service. To learn more about the group, please reach out to
Eloise Raymond, president.
Blairstown Roadside Clean Up
The church will be participating in Blairstown’s roadside clean up on Saturday, October 19. We will meet at the church at 8:30am and proceed to Union Brick Road to pick up trash. Please help the community to stay clean by volunteering and the church will earn some funds from the township. Look for the sign up sheet on the fellowship bulletin board.
Blairstown’s Fall Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 19 from 11a-4p. Do you have an hour or two to man the table to promote the church? We plan to sell soft pretzels and have some hand outs. You can reach out to Pastor Pedro or Bethany Summers to learn more. There will also be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
Frelinghuysen Roadside Cleanup
The church will be participating in Frelinghuysen’s roadside cleanup on
Saturday, October 26. We will meet at 8:30 at Frelinghuysen Town Hall, 210 Main Street, Johnsonburg and proceed to our road to pick up trash. There is a sign up sheet on the fellowship bulletin board.
This event is another fundraising opportunity for the church.
Our annual pulled pork dinner is scheduled for Saturday, November 9. We will be serving take out only meals starting at 4pm. We will be looking for volunteers for Friday afternoon and Saturday to help prep the food and to put together the meals. Please look for the sign up sheet soon and more details. Also, please tell you family, friends and neighbors. We are looking to make this dinner a huge success.
The food pantry has been very busy providing over 70 families with food and paper products this month. With feeding as many folks as we can, we are in need of some items. You can leave items in the shopping cart in the fellowship hall or in the cabinet outside the kitchen door. Thank you for your support of this much needed ministry.
- Canned Mushrooms
- Manwich
- Hamburger helper
- Mayonnaise
- Ketchup
- Pickles
- Cream Soups
- Tea Bags (regular & flavored)
- Knorr Seasoned Rice
- Knorr Seasoned Pasta
- Cake Frosting
- Beef & Vegetable Broth
- Canned Apricots
- Canned Peaches
- Tissues
- Body Wash
- Conditioner
Sunday School
Sunday School will take place every week at 9:00am in the fellowship hall.
We have established the First UMC’s new Safe Sanctuaries Policy, an abuse-prevention policy. We have volunteers who have done the training and background checks. If you would like to have your children participate or you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Pastor Pedro.
You can more about Safe Sanctuaries policies in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church here
Bible Study is on hiatus.
Bible Study will be on break for the month of October and will resume in November.
This Week at Blairstown UMC
- Al-Anon Fri 7:30p
- Church Conference 10/12 11a
- Worship Team Rehearsal Sun 8:30a
- Sunday School 9a
- Sunday Worship Service Sun 10:00a
- United Women in Faith mtg 10/13 11:15a
- Gentle Yoga 10/14 5:30p
- Boy Scouts 10/14 7p
- Chair Yoga 10/15 1p
- Trustees 10/15 7p
- MOM’s Club 10/16 9a
- Blairstown Cleanup 10/19 8:30a
- Blairstown’s Fall Fest 10/19 11a-4p
- Forest Manor Service 10/20 2p
- Boy Scouts 10/21 7p
- Chair Yoga 10/22 1p
- Finance mtg 10/22 7p
- Frelinghuysen Cleanup 10/26 8:30a
- Boy Scouts 10/28 7p
- Chair Yoga 10/29 1p
- United Methodist Men 10/29 7p
- 4H Club 10/30 4p
To learn more about our events or add something to our calendar, please contact the church office at 908-362-6693 or info@firstumcblairstown.com